Coach Driver Info

IMPORTANT – Instructions for coach drivers;

Please use the A4118 Road to access the Gower Heritage Centre. If approaching Gower from West Wales some  sat nav systems recommend a route via the North Gower road and through Lunnon via the B4271- This is  not suitable for coaches-  Do not follow this route and make sure you get onto the A4118. ( it goes past Swansea Airport)

On arrival in Parkmill your Sat Nav will likely tell you to turn in at Shepherds shop onto Mill Lane, however this road will be too narrow for your coach.

Instead, continue down the A4118 for another 100-200 Yards and take the right turning by there, just before the hill.

Then take the right turning into the Gower Heritage Centre carpark, this will align you perfectly to drive straight into one of our coach bays.-

For more info contact  in**@go*****************.uk
or phone 01792 371 206

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